Lululemon Upload!

I noticed there was a lot of excitement over this upload, but I was underwhelmed with this one.

There was a lot of buzz over the Right as Rain Jacket. This does nothing for me. I have seen many photos and not one has made me think, "that's a really cute rain coat." It's long, shapeless, and plain. I might as well be wearing a trash bag....especially at $198. The jacket needs a defined waist. It looks frumpy and matronly. I don't think any guy is going to see that and think its attractive.

I've had a Columbia Sweet as Softshell in white. It was a technical raincoat, but still had a waist and gave some shape. I know the LLL is a longer one, but there is no reason it couldn't have a more defined waist.

The piece I really liked was the Forme Jacket in Angel Wing. I didn't buy it though, because I just bought a few LLL jackets and I didn't need another one....especially since I couldn't get by with it with casual wear like some of my other ones. I would get a lot of wear out of it, because I think it would match almost all of my LLL tops.

I also really like the swiftly half zip. I have been waiting for months for one to come out. Once it did, I didn't see any colors I wanted! I am burnt out of plum, I just bought a LS Blue Moon swiftly, and I didn't really care for the other two colors! Hopefully they will keep it around with some new colors. Maybe an inkwell or indigo...something I can wear with many color combinations.

The last item is something that stood out in a ridiculous way. I actually really like the item, but question their styling judgement......Mr. Miyagi called....and wants his bandanna back.


Other goodies like striped CRBs...I can see the interest, but nothing for me! I'm hoping to see some new colors next week!