
Parallel Stripes are here....special raffle

Wow...the Parallel Striped WUC are here and they will not last the night! 

I learned early...if you really want one thing, keep refreshing the page of that item. Wallah. The WUC were already uploaded, but they didn't have them on the homepage and they didn't update the product photo. 

So....I did a very irrational thing and my Lululemon account will probably be banned.

After I saw that they were loaded, they were already out of size 10 and 12! I was so excited to grab mine with glee...I paid in a frenzy and was checked out in a few minutes.

Now comes my irrational behavior.....

.....I determined Ebay is evil.

I barely got my pair of crops. I know there is going to be some loyal customer out there who stayed up late, only to put their item in their cart, get charged three times, and after two hours find out their beloved product was in fact...not purchased. Fear not though, our favorite evil ebay sellers have all sizes...for a mere 300% surcharge.

It's need to worry. For I have fended off those pesky evil ebay sellers, and snatched up TWO ADDITIONAL pairs of Parallel Striped WUC (size 6). 

So here's to an early Merry Christmas. I will potentially probably be banned from Lululemon. For my two different orders, consisting a total of 3 pairs of  Parallel Stripes WUC, all size 6. I'm sorry Lulu. I promise these won't be on evil ebay.

But there will be rules.... based on logic, fairness, and bribery (kidding! seriously seriously...I kid)

Those who missed out will be able to sign up via raffle copter, for a fair and equal chance to score a pair of crops you might have missed out on. Those who win will get them for a bargain price of $72 US [retail price]. Free shipping to US (sorry must pay) and the nice blogger pays paypal fees.

So yes...if you are a size 6, it might be your lucky day after all. Even though I might probably will be banned from online shopping on Lululemon, you will not have to succumb to $300 leggings.

 If you do win and sell these on evil  ebay.....

(Details will be released in a follow on post after verification of shipment. If there are no takers, the remaining pairs will be returned to the store for another customer to buy at retail price.)