
Lululemon Forme vs. Define Jacket

So I have an unhealthy addiction to Forme Jackets....

My husband isn't really thrilled of my obsession because it's a "workout" jacket and I can't wear them casual. He is right...I can't wear them casual, but I love these jackets because I can wear them for any type of workout. I have used them for golf, trapeze, kayaking, running, lifting, and as a layer to and from the gym. There's not an activity I couldn't use them for. I have tried Scubas, but I just don't get enough use for them...I always end up wearing a Forme jacket. Seriously...I love.

When I updated my blog sale recently, a reader named Lucy was nice enough to offer a trade for my Fluffin' Awesome Plum jacket. She had read I was looking to try a define and had a black slub denim Define in size 6. I took her up on her offer and happily accepted!

I liked the black slub denim because of the texture. Solid black can be a good staple, but can be boring at times. I like the textured material of the slub demin. 

I took some comparison photos of the Define jacket and two Forme Jackets. From the left to right: Slub Black Denim Defiine Jacket, Soot Light Forme Jacket, Forme *Cuffins Jacket. I picked these two Forme jackets because they are two different generations and have a different fit.

Wanting to keep this completely objective, I took all of the photos in the same CRB and leggings. I chose my Clear Mint CRB and grey Old Navy crops because they were two neutral colors that went well with all of the different colors. I was surprised that Clear Mint was so versatile...especially since I got this color on a whim.

I really loved the fit of the Define. I felt it fit exactly the same as the Forme *Cuffins. I dd see why people love it. The construction is so nice, it lays flat and fits perfectly. The only thing I noticed was it was a little shorter than my Forme jackets.

From top left, clockwise: Soot Light, Angel Wing Hyper Stripe, Black Pique, Brushed Raspberry, Zing Pink Light, Cadet Blue.

While the older Formes had issues, I felt that the newer ones were MUCH more consistent. The Soot Light is the only one from the first generation. I had a hard time liking the earlier ones....they looked cheap and lacked that "special" feeling. The fit was really funky and inconsistent too. There was weird seam pulling, wide sleeves, and pointy shoulders. The soot light was the first Forme jacket I liked. It had a denim material on the body, and the textured material made it look different.

The other Formes were the Forme *Cuffins version. The Raspberry color was brushed luon and the Pique was textured. The Angel Wing Hyper Stripe was the first one from the redesign and I think it fits the best. I love the Pique Forme. It also fits exceptionally well and it really cozy. The Cadet also has super soft material and color is to die for. My favorites are definitely the Angel Wing Hyper Stripe, Pique, and Cadet Blue.

I really liked the Define, but I think the Forme has made enough improvements to be a good enough substitute. I think the Define does lay a little flatter, but I prefer the longer length and discrete omega on the Forme. I like both jackets equally.

I love the Forme. Forme Jackets, CRBs, and Inspires are my Lulu-favorites that I can never get enough of. What are your three Lulu-favorites that you can't live without?

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