Playing with Color

I was randomly throwing on a Lululemon swifty over my surge CRB, and I realized how much I liked clarity yellow with surge. In another fit of hurry, I later threw my deep zinfandel Inspire crops on after I had an aquamarine CRB on. After two different color combos, I was like wow...I need to get more creative with my colors. It took me on a stroll down memory lane, where I remembered the evils of working for Abercrombie.

At Abercrombie, it was simple....there was always an "in season" color combination and if you weren't wearing the "in season" colors, you didn't get hours. Now they couldn't say "only wear our stuff," but those who didn't have the latest and greatest worked 10-15 hours a week. You were stuck being a walking billboard of Abercrombie propaganda.

Remembering this gave me shudders of wearing the "in" colors. Lululemon always has an amazing color pallet, but I get sucked into their "latest and greatest" and end up wearing their "in season" colors like a mindless robot. I love colorful workout clothes, and this made me want to have a little fun....throwing together some "older" Lululemon colors with their "new." Wallah....three new combos I now love:

Clarity Yellow and Surge

Cornflower and Raspberry

Deep Zinfandel and Pretty Pink

Add a basic color in the mix (dune, soot light, inkwell, black swan, or black) and there is even more color combinations to chose from!