
Its official....Parallel Stripe WUCs are on the way....

It's official! All three pairs are parallel striped WUCs are shipping! I'm still bracing myself for an email telling me I'm banned from online Lululemon shopping. (Maybe that's in my best interest least for my wallet's sake)

I was worried that they weren't going to ship my orders...I thought maybe they would flag and cancel both of them! Lucky for me, they shipped them out and they will be here by Thursday! This is the quickest shipping I have received from Lululemon. It usually takes 7-8 days to ship all the way to the east coast.

Evil it once again....

With evil eBay at it again....already charging double the retail price....I won't be making any Mr. Wonderful offers....

So the raffle starts.....

If you were screaming at your screen and pulled an Office Space on your laptop last night...

Don't worry. I have two pairs of Parallel Striped WUC, size 6. If you missed out on these crops, I got your back....I like chocolate, scented candles, and money. Sign up on Rafflecopter and I will angel two lucky people a pair for retail price ($72 USD).

So here's how it works: 

This contest is open to those 18+ and from the US and Canada. 

Sign up on the Rafflecopter widget before midnight on Friday, 20 December 2013 EST.

There will be two winners selected by random generation.

I will notify the winners on the blog and they will have 2 days to notify me at their contact information. 

After I receive the contact information, I will send out a PayPal invoice for $72 (USD). If one of the winners is from Canada, I will provide an updated invoice with the shipping cost. I will be paying the PayPal fees.

After I receive confirmation of payment, I will ship out the item.

*Disclaimer* These products are being raffled off as an "angel." This is not a free giveaway, but an opportunity to have an equal chance of purchasing the item at retail price. If you sell these crops on evil eBay, I will hunt you down not be all. *insert scowl*