Lululemon makes replica bags?

I went to the Arlington store today, but they haven't opened their boxes yet.

Wore my blue moon Swiftly LS, nimbus groovy stripe scuba, heathered black Bliss Break sweats , and Brooks running shoes.

I tried on the live simply jacket, but I was here for the forme and nice asana jackets.

The live simply jacket looked and felt nice, but it looked terribly boxy! There was no waist definition at all....definitely one I recommend skipping!

I also have my new inspires on. I was going to return them, but I was running late and there wasn't anything new.

They looked ok at night, but too sheet for me! I'll be returning these tonight! I was worried that these might be sheer....they only had one size (6) online, so it made me think this was an online return.

I never noticed this bag, but it made me mad when I saw it in person! Has Lululemon lost 100% of their creativity?! It is a splitting image of a Celine Phantom....if I saw someone carrying it, I would have immediately thought it was a knock-off Celine ....a bad one at that.

I understand that trapeze bags are popular, but this is too close. It even has the front pocket with a braided tassel. Really Lulu, it's like you didn't even try....

So your bag can hold a yoga mat? Good luck in your future lawsuit. You may make  $100 yoga pants, but I wouldn't mess with an international company that makes $3,700+ premium purses....

Good luck.